About the Patient Participation Group




What is the Patient Participation Group (PPG)?

This is a group of registered patients and practice staff who frequently join together in a voluntary capacity to discuss and, where possible, make positive decisions on the running of the practice. The PPG also acts as representatives for the patient preferences when appropriate.

PPG Image


What is the aim of the group?

  • To enable patients of DMC Chadwick Road Surgery to constructively engage with Practice staff to improve the patient experience and to suggest and support innovation and change.
  • As a consultative and advisory body, to act as a critical friend of the Practice. 
  • To provide a pathway for communication and promote co-ordination between the Practice, the local community and other relevant bodies on behalf of patients. 
  • To support the Practice to help promote the general health and wellbeing of its patients

Following each PPG meeting, a newsletter encompassing the findings and outcomes of these meetings will be posted on our website for patients to view.  


Who Can Be Members? 

  • All registered patients of the Practice age 16 or over can join the PPG.
  • The group will aim to represent the diversity of the practice population

If you are interested in becoming a member of this patient-led group or are happy for us to contact you occasionally by email, then please click the link below to complete the sign-up form. We will not share your contact details with anyone else, and we won’t contact you unnecessarily.

Many thanks for your assistance.


We will be in touch shortly after we receive your form. Please note that no medical information or questions will be responded to.