Patient Participation Group




Dear Patients,

My name is Pat Rickwood and the Newly Elected Chair of the PPG (Patient Participation Group) for both Peckham and Crystal Palace.

I have been a patient for 45+ years which goes back to the days of Dr. Crown and Duggan and believe me I have seen a lot of changes from the old site then to the new site today at Chadwick Road. Wonderful Doctors have been and gone as with other staff across the board but we can build on this as we already are. Changes have already started taking place and there are more to come together we can make this the best it can be.

With this in mind let me tell you about some of the things I would like to start at the Practice in the coming weeks/months following Consultation with Management but, first of all, I would like to make a plea for more patients to become members and help us to expand the PPG.

After all patient voices count and your input is valuable to myself and the Management Team across both DMC Chadwick Road and Crystal Palace Road.

Membership and refreshments are available free of charge throughout the meeting but if you wish to join via video link from the comfort of your own home you can do that too come on you know you want to.

Getting back to our plans in the coming weeks/months it is hoped the following will be set up for the patients at the surgery.

  • A time and space will be available to all Patients twice a week where patients can make an appointment to come in and get tech help/training from me to fill out the necessary forms online i.e. prescriptions, appointments etc. for those who may struggle with computers or online apps.
  • Coffee mornings where patients can come in and sit with me and chat over free refreshments about anything they like this is mainly aimed at older patients but anyone can come and sit with me on a one-on-one.
  • Mental health is high on the agenda. So you are invited to Come to our support group and meet with me and other patients who have Mental Health issues let’s help build up and support each other.

Refreshments will be provided.

For more information, you can contact me on the following options:

  • The admin team at the surgery who are on 02076399622

Management and I hope you will join us and I look forward to hearing from you all.

Kind regards

Pat Rickwood
(Chair of the PPG)

Published: Oct 3, 2023